
Modern platform for solving environmental problems

about the project
Yana Galimova
Head of the project
Environmental protection fund - Ecophone aims to keep the planet clean and to contribute to the fight against climate change.
EcoPhone's goal is to create a global international network connecting public, environmental experts, lawyers, business, and governmental bodies to protect environment both in individual regions and countries.
how it works
Mobile app
A unique rapid incident response system
watch the video about the app
How the ECOPHONE application works
Step 01 / 07
Environmental violation
Step 02 / 07
A citizen registers the problem and reports it on the EcoPhone App
Step 03 / 07
Fund's center of expertise confirms and processes the application
Step 04 / 07
A lawyer prepares a statement to the responsible authorities on the incident
Step 05 / 07
The responsible authority undertakes respective actions
Step 06 / 07
Eliminating violation
Step 07 / 07
Closing the application
Fund's Partnership Program
In the framework of the Program, a partner company receives the environmental projects investor status which allows the company to reduce the annual income tax by the sum of the investment (according to the Russian legislation)
Real contribution to the nature conservation in Russia
Improving social rating
A possibility to report an incident anonymously
Receiving bonuses from project partners
Public environmental control
Interaction with business and government agencies
Active citizens
The project suits everyone who cares about nature, society, and country and wishes to express their civic commitment. Participation in the project gives an opportunity to take advantage of the loyalty program introduced by the Fund's partners
Unified database on reliable incidents
Increased loyalty of citizens and customers
Interaction with the government in the course of project implementation
Improved ESG reporting
Compensatory measures for ESG projects
The company's participation in the EcoPhone project provides a number of opportunities in the implementation of the corporate social responsibility program and ESG reporting
Creating a positive company image
Objective picture of the environmental situation in the country
Independent and objective rating of Russian regions
Contribution to achieving the country's sustainable development
Timely response to environmental incidents
Development a culture of environmental responsibility among citizens
Informing the public about nature conservation measures being undertaken
One of the priorities of the government is to increase the role of civil society in nature conservation and involve it in environment protection programs
Our app is available for installation!
We'll let you know when the app is released. Be among the first ones!

Every one of us can save the planet for future generations!